Adaptive Media Processing University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Adaptive techniques in processing, recognition and retrieval of media information will be discussed. Much weight will be put on (re-)assuring the fundamental knowledge and algorithms in machine learning and signal/image processing, that are essential for adaptive handling of media contents. In addition, up-to-date methods in the field will also be mentioned. (Lecture in English)
Learning Achievement
Understanding of recent techniques of pattern recognition and machine learning to deal with media, especially recognition and processing of images.
Knowledge Utilization Skills,International Skills,Research Skills,Expert Knowledge
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge on Linear Algebra, Analysis, Probability and Statistics of undergraduate level. Understanding of basic signal processing would be a plus.
Grading Philosophy
Two assignments (which includes problems that require programming) and the final term paper will be evaluated.
Course schedule
Adaptive techniques in processing, recognition and retrieval of media information will be discussed. Much weight will be put on (re-)assuring the fundamental knowledge and algorithms in machine learning and signal/image processing, that are essential for adaptive handling of media contents. In addition, up-to-date methods in the field will also be mentioned.Weeks 1-2 Introduction and reviews on math used in this course.Weeks 3-7 Theories and techniques for adaptation, recognition and retrieval. Basic Pattern Recognition and the Bayes Rule Linear Discrimination and Adaptive Filters Neural Networks Support Vector Machines Clustering Nearest Neighbor andWeeks 8-10 Applications Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Biometric Authentication
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kameyama Keisuke
Other information
Lecture will be given in English. Submissions must be made in English.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university