Addiction University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
In this course, students will study from the perspective of multiplefields of research, the various and complex aspects of addiction (oruse disorder) considered as a disease of the regulation of rewardexposure. Substance and non-substance rewards will be examined. Theywill learn the definition, varieties, and epidemiology of addictionand the issue of substance and non-substance addictions and therelative role of drugs in this process. They will examine thechallenge of differentiating use disorder from the toxicologicalconsequences of use. A special focus will be applied to thedescriptive phenomenology of addictive behaviors from differentresearch perspectives. The issue of human and animal models ofaddiction will be addressed in addition to some of the neurobiologicalmechanisms in relation to these models. Effects of drugs on the brainand the known mechanisms from a behavioral and neurobiologicalperspective will be exposed. They will also consider the treatment andprevention of addiction.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students should possess a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) or equivalentdiploma in biology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, medicalstudies, pharmacy, cognitive sciences or psychology. - A proveninterest and solid basic knowledge in the field of Neuroscience mustbe provided by students with a Bachelor degree in another subject(chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science). - Languageprerequisites: fluency in English. - - Courses in neurosciences andpharmacology. - Acceptance of evidence-based knowledge and rebuttalof belief based knowledge. - Scientific reasoning skills.
Grading Philosophy
Final examination is a two hour written session that combines,Multiple choice questions and Focused-open-ended questions based onboth in class delivered information and documents and data madeavailable on site for the exam. The final examination is 100% of thegrade.A "rescue exam" is organized for those that fail.
Course schedule
Content includes: - Definitions and concepts in addiction. - Phenomenology ofaddiction and related process - Methods for the study of addictivebehaviors in humans - Animal Models and their implication inunderstanding addiction - Biological response to stress andaddiction - Individual Vulnerability to Addictions - Studies ofcraving in Humans - Insight and empathy on other perspectives oncraving - DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder criteria: Clinical andResearch tools - Executive functions and addiction: human studies - Neuro-psychopharmacology of stimulants - Gambling, gaming,screen addictions
Course type
Courses will mix formal lectures and tutorials based on documents available on Formatoile ( as well as supplementary courses and documentation. In-class sessions will include student-delivered work prepared in-class and as homework project (inversed class).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students: 15 - Selection procedure: sendapplication file with CV, all previous transcripts and cover letter tothe course coordinator - Selection criteria: excellent grades and/orother study results, high motivation, adequate prerequisites.Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Prof Marc AURIACOMBEmarc.auriacombe@u-bordeaux.frMr. Cyril Lanç