Advanced Electromagnetism II University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Time-varying/time-harmonic electromagnetic fields and electrical properties of matter based on Maxwell’s equations will be studied. Topics include: variable forms of Maxwell’s eq., dielectrics/magnetics-polarization/magnetization-permittivity/permeability, etc.
Learning Achievement
The lecture covers classical topics on - Maxwell’s equations - Constitutive parameters and relations - Circuit relations, boundary conditions - Power and energy relations - Also, we will discuss the electrical properties of matter for both direct-current and alternating-current, including an update on superconductivity.
"Knowledge creativity", "Engineering basics", "Basic scholastic ability", "Expertise", "Ethics", "Practical insight and problem solving ability"
Course prerequisites
This course is based on the completion of general physics and classical mechanics.
Grading Philosophy
Grading will be carried out in the following three phases, and students fulfilling the criteria below will pass. (1) Regarding the items cited in relation to course objectives, simple problems based on text examples will be given as practice exercises and homework. Submit the above and achieve 70% (out of 100%) for every item. (2) Solve general problems in the examination and achieve 60% (out of 100%). Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on final examination scores. (3) Grading ratio - Exam (65%), Homework (35%)
Course schedule
1st week (2 times) - Maxwell's Equations, Constitutive parameters and relations, Circuit-field relations Homework (1) 2nd week (2 times)- Boundary conditions, Power and energy, Time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, Homework (2) 3rd week (2 times)- Dielectrics/polarization/permittivity and Magnetics/magnetization/permeability, Current/conductors/conductivity, Homework (3) 4th week (2 times)- Semiconductors/superconductors/metamaterials, Linear/homogeneous/isotropic/nondispersive media, A.C. variations in materials, Homework (4) 5th week (2 times)- Summary and examination
Course type
Online Course Requirement
JUNG Mincherl
Other information
Understanding of electromagnetic phenomena in the matter based on Maxwell's equations covered in this lecture will be induced with a deep insight for solid-state physics (and condensed matter physics). Don't eat and chat in class.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university