Advanced Physical Chemistry(Ⅰ) (chem. Thermodynamics) National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course covers the principles and methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics for applications to chemical physics problems. The lectures will be divided into three parts: a short review of thermodynamics principles, the concepts of ensemble theory and the applications to gas, liquid, solution and solid systems. The final part will introduce the phase transition and the theory of Brownian motion. Planned topics: laws of thermodynamics, thermal equilibrium and temperature, ensemble theory, entropy, non-interacting systems (gas and solid), chemical equilibrium, imperfect gases, classical liquids, ionic and non-ionic solutions, Ising models. Langevin equation and Brownian motion.
Learning Achievement
This course aims to introduce basic concepts of equilibrium statistical mechanics for physical chemistry in the graduate level.
Course prerequisites
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students).
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yuan-Chung Cheng
Other information
Division of Chemistry
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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