Advanced Plant Genomics National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Genome science is integrated into a large variety of life science research, enabling plant scientists to gain insights on the cause of phenotypic variation, species evolution, crop domestication, etc. Understanding genome organization and evolution has been shown as an effective way to design strategies for gene discovery, functional studies, as well as for crop breeding. Indeed, the outcome of a genome project is not only the series of nucleotide sequences, but also the history, biology and possible applications that the sequence data tell us. This course aims to provide students an integrative view of plant genomics through the presentation of various genomics-related topics.
Learning Achievement
This course aims to provide students an integrative view on plant genomics, updates on plant genomics, as well as to train students in evidence-based reflection.
Course prerequisites
Students having studied plant genomics, molecular biology, and/or bioinformatics are welcome. Students' interactive participation is required.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yung-Fen Huang
Other information
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Graduate Institute of Agronomy, Crop Science Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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