Advanced Vibration Analysis University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
The course provides the foundations and advanced topics on dynamics in structures and mechanical systems, focusing onto the study of vibration theory associated with modal analysis, numerical method, and random vibration.
Learning Achievement
The course provides the foundations and advanced topics on dynamics in structures and mechanical systems, focusing onto the study of vibration theory associated with modal analysis, numerical method, and random vibration. On completion of this course students should be able to summarize the foundations of vibration theory and be able to analyze a typical vibration problem by theoretical and numerical approach.
Associated with (1) use of knowledge, (2) management ability and (3) specialized knowledge
Course prerequisites
Foundations of Mechanics, Analysis, Linear Algebra, and Probability and Statistics
Grading Philosophy
Evaluation will be based on the final exam (60%), and the exercises and reports from the first to the tenth lesson (40%). A total score of 60% or higher is required to pass the course.
Course schedule
Mathematical Model for VibrationsSingle-Degree-of-Freedom SystemsNumerical Evaluation of Dynamic ResponseMulti-Degree-of-Freedom Systems: Equation of motionMulti-Degree-of-Freedom Systems: Modal analysisVibration of Distributed-Parameter Systems: Wave Equation Vibration of Distributed-Parameter Systems: Flexural Vibration of Beams Vibration of Distributed-Parameter Systems: Vibration of Membranes and Plates What is Random Vibration ?: Random Processes, Ensemble Averages, Autocorrelation, The Stationary and Ergodic Assumptions, Temporal Averages Random Vibration: Frequency Decomposition of Stationary Random Process, Spectral Density, Gaussian Random Process, Wide-Band and Narrow-Band Random Processes, Linear Time-Invariant Systems Random Vibration: Excitation-Response Relations for Stationary Random Process, Response of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom System to Stationary Random Excitation
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Asai Takehiko,Morita Naoki
Other information
Anytime by e-mail appointment
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university