Algebraic Geometry University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course is an introduction to Algebraic Geometry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
> Applicants should: - Have completed, with good results, a Bachelor of science degree inMathematics or equivalent with aspecial focus on Algebra, Geometry andNumber Theory. - Have thorough proficiency in written and spoken English.
Grading Philosophy
Exams take place in December
Course schedule
> Program: - Preliminary on commutative algebra (tensor product, localization,Hilbert theorem). - Sheaves and their cohomologies. - Affine schemes, schemes, morphisms of schemes. - Projective schemes. - Topological properties (irreducible components,connectedcomponents, dimension). - Algebraic properties (reduced schemes, integralschemes, noetherianschemes). - Some classes of morphisms (morphisms of finite type,propermorphisms, projective morphisms). - Fiber products and base change. - Algebraic curves (equivalence with the function fields of onevariable; divisors).> Bibliography: - Q. Liu: Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic curves,Oxford GTM 6,Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. - R. Hartshorne: Algebraic geometry, Graduate Texts inMath., 52,Springer-Verlag, 1977.
Course type
> Lectur and practical work: - 57 course hours, - 200 hours of personal study.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- This course is part of the ALGANT Joint Master Program. - For further information on the program structure, partnerinstitutions, scholarship opportunities, etc., please visit: ALGANTErasmus Mundus. []Duration: 12 weeks (Fall Semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Qing Christine Bachoc