Algorithlic / C ++ Programming University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> Learn how to: - Write an algorithm from a descriptive text. - Obtain some general insights on the methodology to structure acomputer program. - Write C++ code.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
- Theoretical test: 1 hour and a half. - Lab test: 3 hours.
Course schedule
> General Introduction: - Intro to Computer Science (Hard/Soft) - Notions about characteristics of an algorithm> Program Structures: - Sequence - Alternative - Variables - Assignment of variables - Instructions of I / O (Input / Output) - Conditions on the variables - Counters - Conditional interation - Predetermined interation - Procedures - Selection - Array - String> Algorithm writting (best practices).
Course type
- Five theoretical sessions of 2 hours classes. - Seven 4 hour lab sessions along with a 3 hour exam.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 12 classesStudy level: University Diploma in TechnologyLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jean Michel