Analytical Methods for the Determination of Licit and Illicit Drugs in Forensic Toxicology University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
The use of licit and illicit drugs of abuse in the Brazilian population, especially among young people, is increasing. In addition, the contribution of the effects of these drugs in cases of death from violent causes such as car accidents, homicides and suicides is significant. The presence of these drugs in biological samples, in postmortem cases, has been little investigated due to factors such as the scarce investment in technology to improve working conditions in the laboratories of public control agencies, the reduced contingent of qualified technical personnel for the development of modern analytical methodologies and the lack of interest of the government in improving the quality of services provided to the community in the area of forensic analytical toxicology and in other areas of research. Therefore, this course aims to give subsidies to professionals engaged in postgraduate programs in pharmacy, chemistry, biology, among others, to awaken to the forensic sciences which is an interesting, curious, challenging and less widespread area in our country , although very important in the present day.
Learning Achievement
The aim of this course is to present to the student theoretical and practical aspects of the most modern analytical techniques used in forensic toxicology for the extraction / isolation and determination of licit and illicit drugs in forensic toxicology. Biological samples, especially in postmortem cases. To know the main drugs of medical-legal interest and the alternative samples for the investigation of cases suspected of intoxication.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
- Participation in the discussions in the classroom; - Presentation of seminars; - Participation in the discussion of cases; - Report.
Course schedule
- Introduction to forensic analytical toxicology. - Sampling, identification and storage of biological materials for toxicological analysis. - Analytical methodologies for extracting and isolating substances of interest in forensic toxicology, involving liquid-liquid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solid phase extraction and solid phase microextraction. - Analytical methodologies for identifying and quantifying licit and illicit drug abuse in biological samples using immunoassay, chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectrophotometry techniques. - Discussion of cases. - Interpretation of results and preparation of reports.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Bruno Spinosa de Martinis
Other information
Site for Inquiry
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