Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
Course delivery methods
College of Law
Main Campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
February - June
Weekday and Period
Intensive courses
Course Number
LAW7608 (A21EM1800)

Anglo-American Tort Law National Taiwan University

Course Overview

*For more information, please visit CEIBA of this course. *Registration/Authorization Code If you wish to take this class but have not registered, please come to the TA's office at room No.1804 (NTU College of Law, Tsai Lecture Hall, 8th floor) on Feb.22 (Wed.) during 1:20~5:20pm. and fill in and take the authorization code. If you have any questions, feel free to come in 1804 during 1:20~5:20 pm. and talk to the TA, Ming-Chan(Jack), Hsieh or contact me via Thank you. TA :謝明展(HSIEH, MING-CHAN) E-mail >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This course explores the basic principles governing private lawsuits for damages for wrongs that are noncontractual, including consideration of intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability. The course will concentrate on injuries involving physical harms, although mental disturbance in connection with these physical harms will also be considered. Most of the coverage will involve American tort law, but there will be occasional references to British cases and applications.

Learning Achievement

At the completion of this section of the course, students should be able to: 1)identify and describe major theories of Anglo-American tort law; 2)analyze and understand common law case decisions; 3)apply legal reasoning to factual situations; 4)understand how tort law fits within the framework of the US legal system


Course prerequisites

The class requires active, regular participation in and preparation for classroom discussions. Much of the class will be conducted through what is known as a "Socratic dialogue," in which the professor will lead students through a series of questions and answers, based on the assigned cases and other materials. I hope to learn from you about tort law in the Republic of China and elsewhere in Asia, just as you learn about tort law in the United States of America and other nations applying Anglo-Saxon common law principles. Please read and analyze all of the assigned materials before class to facilitate discussions. Regular and punctual attendance will be required, as mastery of the written material alone will be insufficient to master the subject-matter. The examination will be an open-book exam. Students who wish to use laptops on the exam may do so.

Grading Philosophy

Course schedule

Course type

Online Course Requirement


Robert M. Ackerman

Other information

(College of Law) Graduate Institute of Law

Site for Inquiry

Please inquire about the courses at the address below.

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