Anti-Doping University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
The development of anti-doping (AD) program in sports all over the world, AD program and Global sport, Sport system, the Code and roles and responsibilities of athletes are introduced. Also the importance of integrity in sport, values-based education, fairness in sport will be discussed.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to acquire understanding of anti-doping system in the world and discuss various aspects of anti-doping activity in Japan.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Submission of pre-assignment and the short reports at attendance: 60%, final report: 40% Presence can be identified during the Seminar(Class5-9) and Class 10. Grade will be determined by presence including the E-learning certificate, short reports, and final report. Final assignment submission will be important.
Course schedule
Class 1 -2 will be held by Zoom synchronous Prof. Watanabe will paste the link to Manaba Class 3-4 will be held by Manaba asynchronous Class 5-9 will be held by online synchronous Class 10 will be held by MS Teams or Zoom synchronous Materials or information will be disseminated by Manaba.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Watanabe Koichi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university