Applied Physical Education Dance University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
”Discovery of your body” as the theme. An individual invention ability and the sensibility are polished by touching various dance cultures. Beautiful posture and the necessity of a healthy body making are understood while introducing the base of the yoga.
Learning Achievement
Establishment of an awareness and knowledge of various physical activities by performing exercise and addressing the concept of sports culture.
Related to “5. Mental and physical health, humanity, and ethics” Related to “6. Cooperative, independent, and autonomous”
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
YOGA basicYoga valietionbody balance exercise yoga strech and Tai ChiDance for fitness #1 Aerobic danceDance for fitness #2 Dance workout yoga strech and Tai ChiPhysical fitness test yoga strech and Tai ChiPhysical fitness test Aerobic danceDance for communication #1 mambo basic(pair dance) Aerobic danceDance for communication #2 Pre chorgraphy pair danceDance for artOptional class
Course type
Training/Lab Experiments/Practical Application
Online Course Requirement
Hirayama Motoko
Other information
As a rule, students who attend the course for at least two-thirds of the classes will be eligible for credits.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university