Applied Physical Education Flag Football University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Emphasis is on further tactical/positional patterns and consideration for team shape/formations. Larger playing areas are gradually introduced, and as before, students take part in game formats on a regular basis.
Learning Achievement
☆Establishment of an awareness and knowledge of various physical activities by performing exercise and addressing the concept of sports culture. (1) Understand the characteristics of Flag Football and Can do team activities. (2) You can understand the official rules of Flag Football and play games. (3) You can understand the basic offensive tactics of Flag Football and demonstrate them during the game depending on the characteristics of the team. (4) You can understand the basic defensive tactics of flag football and demonstrate them during the game depending on the characteristics of the team. (5) You can play the game safely in cooperation with your friends.
Related to “5. Mental and physical health, humanity, and ethics” Related to “6. Cooperative, independent, and autonomous”
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Understanding Flag Football official rulepassing offece and defence drillrunning offece and defence drillmaking an assignment book for offenceGame : Sport Culture in USAGame : College Football in USAGame : NFLGame : American Football and Flag FootballGame : Bowl Game in USALecture on sports activity of lifetimeOptional class
Course type
Training/Lab Experiments/Practical Application
Online Course Requirement
Matsumoto Tsuyoshi
Other information
As a rule, students who attend the course for at least two-thirds of the classes will be eligible for credits.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university