Applied Physical Education Outing Sports University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
The goals of this class are 1)to acquire the basic skills for outdoor group activity: initiative games, 2)to understand the knowledge of that, 3)to acquire the ability of problem solving, and to gain the insight for self, other and natural environment through the outdoor activity. The class of Spring AB is held in the Yasei no Mori.
Learning Achievement
☆Establishment of an awareness and knowledge of various physical activities by performing exercise and addressing the concept of sports culture. 1) Understand the characteristics of challenge activities and work safely together. 2) Communicate effectively in groups. Appropriate briefing can be done. 3) Be aware of the natural environment, understand and act appropriately. 4) To deepen self-understanding and understanding of others through outdoor movements, and practice together
Related to “5. Mental and physical health, humanity, and ethics” Related to “6. Cooperative, independent, and autonomous”
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Attitude(35%), Skill(35%), Knowledge(30%)
Course schedule
IntroductionIce Break GameChallenge Activity 1 Line up(communication)Physical Fitness Test (Indoor)Physical Fitness Test (Outdoor)Challenge Activity 2 Japanese archipelago(cooperation)Challenge Activity 3 Inclined wall(Problem solving, challenge)Challenge Activity 4 Trolley(communication,empathy)Challenge Activity 5 Trust fall(challenge, trust)Debriefing・Class evaluationOptional Class
Course type
Training/Lab Experiments/Practical Application
Online Course Requirement
Sakamoto Akihiro
Other information
Students who attend two-thirds or more of the classes in question are eligible for credit approval.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university