Applied Time Series Analysis Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
This course provides the review of time series models widely applied in economics and finance. Starting from univariate linear ARMA models we consider a broad class of linear and non-linear time series approaches (including ARIMA, GARCH, VARMA, etc.) with focusing on estimation and forecasts
Learning Achievement
Qualification targets: Upon successful completion of the module "Applied Time Series Analysis" students should be able to understand and to use modern time series techniques in empirical research. Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Critical thinking
Course prerequisites
At least one graduate course in Econometrics.
Grading Philosophy
100 % Written exam (90 min)
Course schedule
Week1: Introduction Week2: followed by Week3 to the Final Week
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. Vasyl Golosnoy
Other information
a) Lecture b) Tutorial
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jan Wüstenfeld:
Email address: