Array Algorithms University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
During this course, students discover how to implement simplealgorithms on a suitable data structure - arrays.Students are required to apply their knowledge and skills toabstraction, complexity calculation and the implementation ofiterative and recursive algorithms for the manipulation of dataarrays.The basic programming concepts studied during the first semester willbe resumed and completed with notions of the cost of an operation,elementary complexity, as well as recursivity within the commonframework of programming algorithms on arrays for sorting andnumerical computation applications.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Continuous assessment: intermediate evaluations, written midterm exam. In case of failure, a second session in the form of a written examwill be organized.
Course schedule
- Array data structures - Application of elementary algorithms to data arrays - Sorting and searching algorithms - Worst-case algorithm analysis
Course type
Lectures (13 hours), tutorials (15 hours) and practical sessions (15 hours).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 43 hoursLanguage of instruction: Lectures are taught in French. Practical and tutorial sessions are in English.Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Carole