Basic German AI University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This German language course set for beginners is designed to learn basic grammar (Introductory Level) while acquiring the fundamental four skills (Listening/Reading/ Speaking /Writing). 初修者を対象にしたこのドイツ語の授業では、4技能(聞く・読む・話す・書く)の総合的な修得に配慮しながら、とくに基本文法(入門レベル)の修得を目指す。
Learning Achievement
This 3-times-a-week German course - held in English - teaches all four skills plus interaction (to act & to react) and mediation (to make understand). The goal is to be able to speak & interact in German on A1 level. Six performances in German are the intermediate & final key elements; they require the acquisition of vocabulary & structures, pronunciation & listening skills, and basic grammatical knowledge, being learned through English handouts; moreover, the performances also require prior cooperation in groups (rehearsals) and immediate feedback & reflection (by Q&A). German songs will also be introduced. At the end of the course, participants will be able to maintain a short & basic spontaneous conversation in German language. (Mon6, Wed6 & Thu6)
Course prerequisites
32H7022, 32J7022 & 32K7022 (Mo6, Tue6 & Wed6) have to be taken as a set.
Grading Philosophy
Weekly two learner diaries in English and small tests (40%). Six performances (50%). Interim & final report (10%).
Course schedule
Since one main objective of this class is to become interactive in German, as many lessons as possible are held online in an interactive simultaneous format.First German text with gesture. Overview of the course."Eins-zwei-drei", German numbers from 1 to 20. Verbs and sentences."Das ist Klaus Muller." Introduction of friends or classmates, practice.Review of the introductions. Long & short vowels (e.g. "lesen & sprechen").Example trialogue. Verb forms of full verbs, auxiliary verbs & modal verbs.PERFORMANCE 2: Trialogue. Definite & indef. articles for all cases & genders.Adjective endings for all cases & genders. Questions and answers (Qs & As).PERFORMANCE 3: Random-partner dialog. Interim report due date.First oral test: Self introduction, followed by Q&A.Hesitation fillers & tag questions ("Hm; oder?, nicht?").PERFORMANCE 4: Team teaching. Coordinating & subordinating conjunctions.Possessive articles. Ungrammatical sentences. Questions & Answers (Qs & As).PERFORMANCE 5: Speeches. Past tense of full, auxiliary & modal verbs.Memorizing questions and the loci method. Qs & As.PERFORMANCE 6: Random-partner dialogs.The lesson plan might change according to the class progression, students' feedback, and the situation with COVID-19.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Rude Markus
Other information
Late submissions will not be accepted. Learner diaries are always expected and counted, also for lessons not attended, then based on the lesson handout only. Excused, missed tests might be compensated through a retest on request.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university