Basic German AI University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Learning Achievement
This is a German language class for absolute beginners. No prior knowledge of German is expected for this class. The class will teach basic German for speaking, reading, and writing. It will focus on grammar and explain sentence structures and patterns. The vocabulary is selected from the "Basic 500 words in German" list created by Tsukuba University German-language teachers. Students are encouraged to create their own sentences and practice their newly acquired language skills. The course is taught in English to improve and encourage English-language performance among students.
1.コミュニケーション能力 2.批判的・創造的思考力 4.広い視野と国際性
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Active participation in class (including submission of homework) (70%) Final Test (30%) Absence from class follows general regulations.
Course schedule
1) The course starts with an introduction of basic rules of German pronunciation and spelling. 2) The grammar instruction begins with the VERB, as the verb allows the learner to create an enormous amount of sentences based on little grammar and vocabulary knowledge. 3) The grammar then turns to the NOUN and introduces gender, plural, and case. 4) The course ends with a return to the VERB and focus on TENSE. The progress of the course will depend on the performance of students, hence there may be changes to the syllabus.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Heselhaus, Herrad
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university