Basic German BI University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This German class set for beginners is designed to acquire basic communication skills adapted to social life situations while confirming important items in basic grammar (Introductory Level). 初修者を対象にしたこのドイツ語の授業では、基本文法(入門レベル)の重要項目を確認しながら、社会生活の場面に即した基礎的なコミュニケーション能力の修得を目指す。
Learning Achievement
(Part of a three times a week course held on Mon6, Wed6 & Thu6. See Mon6 for the course's objectives & other details, Mon6, Thu6 and below for the weekly plan. The three course codes are written further below under ""prerequisites"").
Course prerequisites
32H7022, 32J7022 & 32K7022 (Mo6, Tue6 & Wed6) have to be taken as a set.
Grading Philosophy
(See Mon. 6, 32H7022)
Course schedule
Since one main objective of this class is to become interactive in German, as many lessons as possible are held online in an interactive simultaneous format.The German alphabet has 30 letters. Dialog with spelling."Wie heist das auf Deutsch?". Pronunciation of difficult sounds (e.g. "u, o").PERFORMANCE 1: Mutual introductions. The verb position and the four grammatical cases.Sentences with more than one verb. Pronunciation of consonant clusters (e.g. "st, ld, mm").Mini trialogue with mediation. All ten personal pronouns in cases 1 & 4.A model dialog. The syllable as a rhythmic unit. The proununs in cases 1, 3 & 4.Tense & lax vowels. Qs in Prosodic Writing showing intonation & rhythm.(●Wie geht es dir ?) (●Wie geht es dir?) A stereogram with depth showing intonation. Interim review and preview.Backchannel ("Hm, aha, ach so"). Reflexive pronouns. German haiku.Team-teaching with discourse markers. Main clauses and subordinate clauses.Team-teaching review. Prepositions and prepositional phrases (PPs).Planning a speech. Verb forms and tenses.Prosody: Difference of falling and rising intonation in Wh- and yes-no questions.Rehearsal of the final performance. Qs & As. Pronunciation training.Final report due date. Roundup of the course.The lesson plan might change according to the class progression, students' feedback, and the situation with COVID-19.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Rude Markus
Other information
(See Mon. 6, 32H7022)
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university