Basic in Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology National Taiwan University
Course Overview
I open several related courses. Please visit our lab website for more detailed info on how to choose my lectures based on your preference. This is a basic course intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge of basic biology. Students who are interested in any fields in biology are all welcome, because all of the biological phenomena are the product of the evolution. The basic skills in undergraduate-levels of calculus are required and also basic knowledge on population dynamics (e.g., exponential growth, logistic growth, and Lotka-Volterra model) is preferred. We will learn basic but important mathematical methods for analyzing evolutionary dynamics in biological systems. Statistics and computer programming are beyond our focus. The course is designed for hand-on work. We just need "paper-and-pencil" for learning how to think quantitatively about evolutionary dynamics. If necessary, we will also use well-developed software but we do not need skills in computer programming. There will be dedicated time in some weeks for students to do "paper-and-pencil" exercise. I will usually use blackboard instead of PowerPoint presentation. Please prepare your own notebook. Major topics include: 1. Basics in evolution 2. Neutral evolution and natural selection 3. Classical and modern population genetics 4. Optimization for phenotypic evolution 5. Basics in evolutionary game theory 6. Replicator dynamics 7. Coupling of population dynamics and evolution (adaptive dynamics)
Learning Achievement
The objective is to provide students with mathematical and theoretical skills for evolutionary dynamics (evolutionary ecology & population genetics), which are necessary for mechanistic and quantitative understanding of complexity in biological systems.
Course prerequisites
We will not use textbook and handouts will be provided. I will usually use blackboard instead of powerpoint presentation. Please prepare your own notebook (not PC). The basic skills in undergraduate-levels (not the high school level!!) of calculus are required and also basic knowledge on population dynamics (e.g., exponential growth, logistic growth, and Lotka-Volterra model) is preferred.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Takeshi Miki
Other information
Non-degree Program: Introductory Course of Marine Science,
(College of Science) Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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