Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
Course delivery methods
Subjects allied to medicine, Biological sciences, Agriculture & related subjects
International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
Tsukuba Campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
October - December
Weekday and Period
Course Number

Basic Molecular Nutrition University of Tsukuba

Course Overview

We take the nutrients necessary for life support through our diet, overload and deficiency of the nutrients impair health. It is also little doubt that chemicals contaminated in water and foods affect human health, resulting in occurrence of a variety of diseases. In this lecture, first of all, the students will learn 1) fundamental biochemistry (e.g., metabolism and synthesis) of the five major nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals) in the body, 2) role of such nutrients in the body development/maintenance and aging, 3) onset of various diseases caused by excessive and deficient the nutrients, and 4) intake of the nutrients from food. Next, we will learn the health hazards caused by environmental pollutants contaminated in water and food.

Learning Achievement

The students will be able to explain the five major nutrients and their molecular functions.
The students will be able to explain the relationship between the five major nutrients and development/maintenance of the body.
The students will be able to explain the five major nutrients and diseases.
The students will be able to explain the supply and source of the five major nutrients.
The students will be able to explain the relationship between exposure to a variety of environmental pollutants and health through dietary habits.


Students will learn fundamental professional skills related to food resources and health, as well as the benefits of substances to the organism, through the study of the roles of the five major nutrients in the body.

Course prerequisites

Grading Philosophy

The students are evaluated by positive questions and statements (30%), and report (70%).

Course schedule

1) Oct 7 (F) Five nutrients and mind and body (Ohniwa)
2) Oct 14 (F) Metabolism of Carbohydrates (Ohbayashi)
3) Oct 21 (F) Metabolism of Lipids (Ohbayashi)
4) Oct 28 (F) Metabolism of Amino acids (Ohbayashi)
5) Nov 9 (W) Nutrient intake (Fabien)
6) Nov 11 (F) Nutrients and diseases (Zheng)
7) Nov 18 (F) Environmental pollutants and health (Kumagai)
8) Dec 2 (F) Mineral and essential trace elements (Shinkai)
9) Dec 9 (F) Vitamins (Ohniwa)
10) Dec 16 (F) Cross-talk of nutrients (Ohniwa)
Oct 7 (F) Five nutrients and mind and body
Oct 14 (F) Metabolism of Carbohydrates
Oct 21 (F) Metabolism of Lipids
Oct 28 (F) Metabolism of Amino acids
Nov 9 (W) Nutrient intake
Nov 11 (F) Environmental pollutants and health
Nov 18 (F) Nutrients and diseases
Dec 2 (F) Mineral and essential trace elements
Dec 9 (F) Vitamins
Dec 16 (F) Cross-talk of nutrients
Lecture Room: 4E bldg. 608

Course type


Online Course Requirement


Ohbayashi Norihiko,Kumagai Yoshito,Shinkai Yasuhiro,Ohniwa Ryosuke,LOMBARDO Fabien Claude Renaud,Zheng Ling

Other information

Site for Inquiry

Please inquire about the courses at the address below.

Contact person: Ohbayashi Norihiko

Email address: Teams-chat:

Link to the syllabus provided by the university