Behavioral Studies in Neuroscience University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This teaching unit is an excellent complementary training to the M1units Emotion and Cognition: from theory to animal models, Plasticityof the nervous system, Pharmacology and Neuropharmacology. It is avaluable extension of the unit Cognitive Neurosciences for M2 studentswho want to specialize in behavioral approaches but is accessible toall neuroscience students who are interested to acquire a solideducation in this field of the neurosciences.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students should possess a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) or equivalentdiploma in biology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, medicalstudies, pharmacy, cognitive sciences or psychology. - A proveninterest and solid basic knowledge in the field of Neuroscience(neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, behaviour,molecular and cellular mechanisms) must be provided by students with aBachelor degree in another subject (chemistry, physics, mathematics,computer science). - Language prerequisites: fluency in English
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Students will: - receive solid training on how to study behaviors from conceptual topractical levels - develop their knowledge of animal models of behavioral processes,particularly models with genetic modifications and pharmacology. - be informed about comprehensive behavioral techniques applied inNeuroscience field covering from basic spontaneous behaviors orneurological reflexes to the motor, sensory, emotional, as well ashigher-level functions such as attention, executive function, andlearning and memory. - assess finely alterations of these behaviors in rodents withgenetic manipulations. Extensively develop the understanding of thethree different behavioral devices (radial maze, water-maze, andBarnes maze) frequently used in the molecular and behavioralneurosciences - actively participate in the analysis of documents and scientificarticles as well as the statistical analysis of real experimentaldata.
Course type
- Lectures: 34 hours - Tutorials: 12 hours - Practicals: 8 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Selection procedure: send application file with CV, all previoustranscripts and cover letter to the course coordinator. - Selectioncriteria: excellent grades and/or other study results, highmotivation, adequate prerequisites.Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jean-Louis Guilloujean-louis.guillou@u-bordeaux.frDenis