Bibliographic Project University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The student must gather and analyze the international literature(including patents) on a given topic under the supervision of auniversity staff member.She/he is in charge of writing a synthesis ofthe different documents chosen including a critical analysis of theconcepts described in these documents.This course is usually associated to a MasterThesis.> Bibliographic analysis about a given research topic. > This topic maybe continued in the Master Thesis course.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc / Master 1 - Language prerequisites: English
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
- The bibliographic project can cover any of the fields related tothe FAME Master ofChemistry. - Opportunities may be found through Master Thesis offers or bydirectly contacting potential supervisors.
Course type
> Self-study: 150 hours - 100 hours private reading. - 35 report and defence preparation. - 15 hours exchanges with supervisor.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- The bibliographic project is usually associated with Master Thesisin M2, but can be conducted independently following supervisorvalidation. - Students enrolled for long internships (more than two months)during their stay at UBx may also consider this course. - This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master FAME (FunctionalAdvanced Materials Engineering)_ a_nd the EIT-labelled Master AMIS(Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability).Duration: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Project-based
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Michaël Josse Corinne Jalibert