Biomedical engineering: cardiac signals, imaging & devices University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Leaning objectives refer to 3 axes:- SIGNALS LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Acquire knowledges regarding the biomedical electrical signal genesis.How to record electrical signal, and manage temporal signals. - IMAGE LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in physics of imageformation (acquisition and reconstruction) for several modalities(MRI,Ultrasound, XRay, optical mapping,…). - DATA SCIENCE LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on how to processmultidimensional data
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- This program is taught entirely in English, proficiency in Englishis therefore required. - Introductory Python course - Personal computer & internet access
Grading Philosophy
- Practical work will be evaluated, - Oral presentation (20 minutes)
Course schedule
SIGNAL -Understand the genesis of the biomedical electrical signal -Understand the processes of signal acquisition -Learn and manipulate one-dimensional time signal processingtechniques, including electrocardiograms and endocavitaryelectrograms(filtering, spectral analysis, Digitization…) -Understand EP-lab equipment_Practical work:_ -ECG measurement and analysis -Learn and manipulate one-dimensional time signal processingtechniques, including electrocardiograms and endocavitary electrograms -EP-Lab equipments review IMAGE -Understand the physical bases of image formation in each imagingmodality -Understand methods for image reconstruction -Know advantages/limitations for each imaging modality for cardiacimaging_Practical work:_ -Experimental sessions in preclinical facilitiesDATA SCIENCES: -Theoretical multidimensional data -Feature selection -Classification -Introduction to machine learning technics_Practical work:_ -Feature selection and Classification of heart diseases
Course type
Standard classroom, practical work - Clear statement of teaching and learning modes: in-class, face-to-face, distance-based or blended-learning, etc. (include number of contact hours) - Mode of delivery corresponds with proposed learning objectives, content, learning methods and assessment procedures - SIGNALS: 15h lectures, 10h group work - DATA SCIENCES: 10h lectures, 5h group work - IMAGE: 15 h lectures, 10h group work - 50 hours self-study (30 private reading, 20 exam preparation)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
_Please note that the number of places available may be limited forcertain classes._Duration: Total of 75h Language of instruction: English Mode of delivery: In-class, face-to-face, distance-based or blended-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Remi Dubois remi.dubois@ihu-liryc.frBruno Quesson (course coordinator)bruno.quesson@u-bordeaux.frLaure DANGLES (faculty secretary)