Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course will provide knowledge on how biotechnology evolves from the ancient time. It also discusses on how this technology contributes towards the wealth creation, health improvement, environmental protection and issues related to social security globally. The active involvement of Malaysia in biotechnology for a new source of economic engine is also discussed and evaluated. The course will also expose the students to various industrial bioprocessing areas. It will guide the students in being independently acquire and explain information on some key issues in food engineering, biopharmaceutical engineering renewable resources and waste management bioprocessing science and technology.
Learning Achievement
1. Understand the principles of bioprocess engineering and biotechnology 2. Understand process development from shakeflask through bench-scale and the criteria for pilot-scale work. 3. Develop suitable biotechnology approach to improve the quality and quantity of biotechnology products in the area of food, agriculture, medical and environment 4. Adopt team working and demonstrate ability to identify business opportunity in biotechnology
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Fazrena Nadia Md Akhir
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr. Fazrena Nadia Md Akhir
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azila Abdul Aziz
Email address:,