Business English National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This Business English course gives students an insight of the business world by exposing them to knowledge of the English language skills necessary to succeed. With English being the language of international communication, students will be trained to communicate in English, both written and oral, effectively to be globally competitive. In order for students to benefit from this course, they should have at least an intermediate level of English in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Learning Achievement
Materials are carefully designed to present English language usage in a variety of contexts, including conducting meetings, negotiations, presentations, and work abroad. Practicing simulated business situations through role-play and discussions, students will gain a comprehensive business vocabulary by interacting with their co-workers, bosses, clients, or other business acquaintances. Business knowledge is not explicitly taught but is introduced along the way allowing students to learn by doing. This course does not provide business education but aims to share tacit knowledge that allows students to develop their English skills for use in a business context. In other words, this course introduces business etiquette that helps students to survive well and ultimately succeed in the real working world regardless of their current major and intended future career. In addition, students will be learning written and spoken business idioms through peer teaching. The purpose of this kind of activity is to allow students to realize for themselves that they do not only learn from authority figures. In todays flat world, knowledge can be gained through peers or even subordinates. Much class time will be devoted to student-led activities allowing students to speak up in a controlled, business-like yet relaxed atmosphere. Materials will first be introduced for the general context before being framed for business situations. In and outside of class, students will have the opportunity to work individually; they will also work in groups to develop the concept of teamwork and justify the significance of team spirit to boosting productivity.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Judy Wai-Kei Kwong
Other information
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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