Business Law University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Students learn about the relationship in the current world between theattainment of business objectives (as presented by management) and therequirements of the legal systems. They find out how to plan andexecute complex legal transactions involving the transfer ofbusinesses, including how to select and manage lawyers and to achievethe business goals pursued without incurring legal risks.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Students must have followed the courses "Fundamentals of Law I" and"Fundamentals of Law II" from the Master 1 in European BusinessAdministration.
Grading Philosophy
Continuous assessment is carried out with an assignment based on thecontent of the course with at least two separate grades. One of thesegrades is based on an individual assignment. Grades may be based onseveral types of tasks (homework, group work, final exam,presentation, etc.) determined by the professor. No resits are allowedin continuous assessment.
Course schedule
Students must attend classes, actively participate in the sessions´debates, conduct personal work and draft and submit legal documentsproposing key solutions to the legal issues posed.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 24 hoursLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: International Relations