Cancer Cell Biology University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
OBJECTIVES:Understanding of the molecular and cellular processes underlyingoncogenesis, in physiological and pathological conditions. Framing theabnormalities of cancerous cells in terms of causes and consequencesof oncogenesis.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
- This teaching unit follows the paradigm “Hallmarks of Cancer”. - Lectures presented by external experts on Cancer Cell Biologyresearch topics: Cell Death, Cell - Extracellular Matrix interactions,Stem Cells, Senescence and Quiescence, Cell Polarity, Energymetabolism, Biosynthesis pathways. - This course includes aparticular focus on Cell Cycle. There is a 20h (five lectures and fivetutorial classes) specifically on Cell Cycle related topics. -Tutorial classes consist in scientific article presentations anddiscussion by students on the topics addressed in the theoreticallecture - typically one review article and one original articleprovided by the external experts. In a flipped classroom approachstudents prepare the article presentations before the lectures on thetopic. - Lab courses include basic techniques used in currentCancer Cell Biology research: conventional and 3D cell culture(organoids), transfection, FACS, for the study of cell cycleprogression, cell viability and tumorigenic properties followinganti-cancer treatments. The lab course present a continuity with otherteaching units - Technologies in Molecular Cell Biology and MolecularImaging and Histopathology
Course type
- Theoretical lectures - 26 hours - Tutorial classes - 30 hours - Laboratory courses - 16 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: José Eduardo