Cancer immunobiology and immunotherapies University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
OBJECTIVES Gaining knowledge and analytical expertise related to the role of theimmune system in cancer developpment, to the reciprocal interactionsbetween the immune system and developing cancers, and on the bases ofimmune-based interventions (cancer immunotherapies) and theirlimits.Develop writing and oral communication skills through thepresentation and discussion of primary research articles and throughgrant-type mini-proposal conception writing and oral defense.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
- Cancer immunoediting: mechanisms responsible for cancerimmunosurveillance (bases of antitumor immune responses) andconversely, for cancer escape from immune detection and elimination(immunosuppression and immunosubversion). Analysis of the factorsaffecting the balance between anti-cancer immunity and cancer immuneevasion, using trans-disciplinary approaches. - Bases of cancer immunotherapies, the successes, limits and currentproblems associated these therapeutic approaches. Combinationtherapies (chimio-immunotherapies, radio-chimioimmunotherapies…) - Role of the immune system in cancer invasion and metastaticdissemination. - Team work and cooperative research work through the conception of amini-research project (identification of a scientific question in thefield, building of a hypothesis and elaboration of a research plan andmethodology to address the proposed hypothesis).
Course type
- Theoretical lectures - 20 hours - Tutorial classes - 16 hours - Laboratory courses - 20 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Nicolas