Cardiology Didactics University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
This course is justified by the main objective of the "Strito-Sensu" Graduate Program, which is to train teachers and researchers, responsible for promoting and developing scientific advances, but also know how to transmit them and carry the basic tools for a continuous learning. The didactics must be inserted within the principle of the integral formation of the students that will be trained in the current techniques of transmission of the knowledge. Therefore, didactics is a fundamental foundation in the training of these PG students. On the other hand, it can be observed that there is an intimate relationship between didactics and research, since its dissemination and communication to the scientific community and, even to the laity, must be clear, exact and follow ethical principles within established standards. ournals have specific, internationally established rules and, both publications and presentations, must adhere to the basic principles: ethics, accuracy, clarity, exemption, synthesis and conclusion with no other interests. For all these reasons the Discipline of Didactics in the formation of new PGs is justified.
Learning Achievement
Provide postgraduate students with the basic principles of Didactics fundamentals and techniques, based on efficiency, propriety, precision and clarity in scientific expositions, whether oral or written. The form and content of the presentations are analyzed according to the theoretical bases and practical training.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
1. Presentation of two seminars: 1) free themes with oral presentation and 2) data of the thesis project with presentation in the English language. 2. Elaboration of the program of a course for undergraduate students and / or specialization applying the acquired knowledge and evaluation of the discipline._
Course schedule
1.Objectives and forms of scientific communication 2.Principles and methods of oral communication 3. How to prepare a lesson or scientific communication 4. Principles and methods of audio-visual scientific communication 5.Principles and methods of written scientific communication 6.Principles and methods of distance scientific communication 7.Use of projections: computation 8.Exhibition of themes in Poster 9. How to identify or highlight highlights in an oral presentation 10.Criteria for programming courses for: Undergraduate, Residency and Postgraduate
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jose Antonio Franchini Ramires, Paulo Cury Rezende
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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