Career Design I University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
In this course, we will read about and discuss various topics related to employment following graduation. Some topics may include: employment in Japan, basic knowledge of Japan, history of politics and economy, work habits, human relationships, etc.
Learning Achievement
To introduce students politics, job recruitment, economy, and fundamental issues and traits of the Japanese society. Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to gain knowledge to see and think things from a Japanese perspective.
Communication ability 25% Ability for critical and creative thinking 25% Broad perspective and international character 25% Cooperative, independent, and autonomous attitudes 25%
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Class/group discussion (20%) Quizzes (5 %) Assignments (15 %) Final Examination (60 %)
Course schedule
Brief Introduction of Japan: Social values, unique characteristics of Japanese society, religion, emperors, etc.Job hunting in Japan Entry sheet and practice Job hunting in Japan group discussion practice Employment system in Japan (past and present system)Employment system in Japan (future) class/group discussion about the current issues and government's goals Japan’s economy (Bubble economy and its aftermath) Japan’s economy (Bubble economy and its aftermath) and effects on EmploymentJapanese Issues: Labor shortage and immigrants, Low Birthrate and LongevityJapan’s other current situations/issues Country of Japan (geography, climate, and depopulated area) Overall feedback and comprehensive quiz
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yamamoto Chinami
Other information
Students are expected to participate actively, to do research, and to respect one another during the discussions.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university