Career Design III University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
In this course, we will read and discuss about various topics related to some Japanese issues which will be beneficial for employment following graduation. Some topics may include: past, present, and future of many aspects of Japan, etc.
Learning Achievement
-Understand the stages of how Japan became the way it is today: as well as its weaknesses and strengths -Gain knowledge of major Japanese current issues and the reasons for them -Understand the global picture of Japanese society, tradition, rules, social customs, history, and unique characteristics of the Japanese people.
Communication ability 25% Ability for critical and creative thinking 25% Broad perspective and international character 25% Cooperative, independent, and autonomous attitudes 25%
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Class discussion (10%) Quizzes (10%) Participation in Forum(15%) Presentation 35% Follow-up presentation 30%
Course schedule
Recent issues of JapanQuiz, feedback, and presentation about Japanese current issues by groups of students, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and presentation about Japanese current issues by groups of students, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and presentation about Japanese current issues by groups of students, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and presentation about Japanese current issues by groups of students, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and follow-up presentation about previous presentations, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and follow-up presentation about previous presentations, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and follow-up presentation about previous presentations, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and follow-up presentation about previous presentations, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)Quiz, feedback, and follow-up presentation about previous presentations, and class discussion (Discussion in Forum in advance)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yamamoto Chinami
Other information
Students are expected to participate actively and to respect one another during the discussions.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university