CE-WP04: Advanced Finite Element Methods Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
The main goal of this course is to qualify students to numerically solve nonlinear problems in engineering sciences.
Learning Achievement
Students will learn about non-linear continuum mechanics.
Course prerequisites
Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics (CE-P05) Basic knowledge in Structural Mechanics, Control Theory and Active Mechanical Structures Basics in Mathematics, Mechanics and Structural Analysis (Bachelor)
Grading Philosophy
Written examination/ 120 minutes (85%) Seminar papers & PC exercise / Homework (15%)
Course schedule
Week1: Introduction Week2: followed by Week3 to the Final Week
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, Assistants
Other information
a) Lecture b) Exercise There are two events for this course (see contact_adress), but they belong together.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Sahlmen: comp-eng@rub.de
Email address: https://compeng.rub.de/images/stories/Curriculum/ModulHandbuchWS1920/Modulhandbuch_CompEng_WS1920.pdf#page=25