Cell Biology III University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Proteins are in a dynamic state, which is regulated by protein synthesis and degradation pathways. Each protein is degraded in a degree of selectivity, and its regulation is essential for the cell homeostasis and viability. In this class, we will learn the latest findings on the molecular mechanism of selective protein degradation and its physiological importance.
Learning Achievement
からだを構成するタンパク質の機能発現には遺伝情報にコードされない翻訳後修飾や選択的分解が深く関与する。本講義では、選択的タンパク質分解の制御機構と生理的意義を最新の知見を交えて解説する。 The functions of the proteins are often regulated by post-translational modifications and selective protein degradation, which are not encoded by the genomic information. In this class, we will learn about the molecular mechanism of such post-translational regulation and its relevance on cell physiology.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
本授業は基本的に対面授業で実施する予定であるが、COVID-19の感染状況等に より授業形態や授業内容を変更する可能性があります。履修に際し、適宜、最新 のシラバスやmanaba等の情報を確認してください。
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chiba Tomoki
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university