Characterizations University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The objective of this lecture is to provide to each student boththeoretical and practical tools enabling him to correlate theexperimental data obtained from different analytical techniques andstructures mainly in solution of molecular and macromoleculararchitectures. Special attention will be paid to the acquisition, the rationalizationand the interpretation of high-resolution NMR, mass, Raman and IRspectra with examples taken from major application domains such asstructure determination of organic compounds, lipidomics, andproteomics. Furthermore, both the use and applications of static and dynamic lightscattering will be highlighted to characterize macromolecules insolution along with nanoparticle suspensions.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc - Selection criteria: basic knowledge in chemistry, physicalchemistry and analytical chemistry - Language prerequisites: English or French - Selection procedure: evaluation of the students CV
Grading Philosophy
> The first session will take place in December - Intermediate written exam: 2h = 33 % of the overall mark - Written final exam: 3h = 67 % of the overall mark >In case of failure, a second session will be organized for the finalexam: Written or oral exam (depending on the student body if writtenexam 3h) = 67 % of the overall mark - Continuous control: report left to the student's choice dependingon its first marks. In case of choice to retake the exam: written test(2h) or oral following effective = 33 % of the overall mark
Course schedule
PART 1: HIGH RESOLUTION NMRI. Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance: - Quantum model (nuclear spin, nuclear magnetic moment, energy of anuclear spin in a magnetic field, sensitivity, receptivity, etc.). - Vector model (the rotating frame). - Fourier Transform Pulse Spectroscopy (pulse production, pulse mode,FID, FT, spectrum, relaxation processes).II. Spectral parameters and analyses of spectra: - Chemical shift (origin, rationalization, application in 1H and 13CNMR°. - Quantitative analysis (integration). - Coupling processes (types, origin, examples, application to themolecular structure determination).III. 1D NMR: Multi-impulsional NMR sequences: - Double resonance techniques (homonuclear and heteronucleardecoupling, NOE effect, examples). - Multi-impulsional 1D NMR sequences (Spin-Echo, J-modulatedSpin-Echo, DEPT).IV. 2D NMR: Basic concepts and applications: - Introduction to 2D NMR (Principle, Time-scale in 2D NMRexperiments, 2D FT, Various Plots). - Examples of 2D NMR experiments (J-Resolved, COSY, HMQC, HSQC, HMBC,NOESY, ROESY).PART 2: MASS SPECTROMETRY - Ionisation modes: electron impact ionisation, chemical ionisation,photoionisation, matrix assisted laser desorption-ionisation,electrospray. - Principles of mass analyzers (quadripole, ion trap, time of flight,orbitrap, Fourier transform Ion cyclotron resonance) - Principles of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) including variousmodes of fragmentations (Collision Induced Dissociation, ElectronTransfer/Capture Dissociation, InfraRed Multiple PhotonDissociation...) - Coupling with chromatography (gas and liquid). - Principles of quantitative analysis by mass spectrometry (selectedIon Monitoring, Multiple Reaction Monitoring). - Applications: complex matrices (environmental, biological),lipidomics, proteomics, imaging.PART 3: VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY AND IMAGING MATERIALSI. Basic principles of optical spectroscopies 1.1-Fundamental aspects of light/matter interaction. 1.2-Optical spectroscopies.II. Molecular Symmetry 2.1-Molecular symmestry and point groups 2.2-Using symmetry to predict vibrational activityIII. Spectroscopic Analysis of Vibrational Spectra: 3.1-General Principles 3.2-ExamplesIV. Raman Scattering 4.1- Spontaneous Raman scattering 4.1-Polarized Raman spectroscopy 4.3-Micro-Raman and ImagingV. Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy 3.1-FTIR spectroscupy 3.2- Transmission and reflection techniques 3.3- IR microscopy and imagingPART 4: LIGHT SCATTERINGI. Introduction to light scattering: - Origin of the light scattering process. - Reciprocal space and scattering vector.II. Static light scattering: - Very small particles (d
Course type
- Lectures (main lectures are taught in French but all written supports are available in English or French): 26 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Exercise sessions (in French or English): 12 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Tutoring (in English to help students who do not speak French): 9 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Self-study: 85 hours (30 hours private reading, 20 hours exam preparation, 35 hours exercise preparation. - Teaching supports available on the Moodle platform.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
* Main lectures will be taught in French but all written supports willbe available in English or French (lectures, exercises, practicalsessions manuals, final exam written texts )Tutoring in English will be available to help people who do not speakFrenchiiiExercise sessions will be taught in both English or French Language of instruction: French and English* (see other information)Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Thierry Toupancethierry.toupance@u-bordeaux.frVincent Rodriguezvincent.rodriguez@u-bordeaux.frJean-Marie Schmitterjm.schmitter@cbmn.u-bordeaux.frChristophe