Chemical Bond University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> The objective of this course is, via the study of the chemicalbonding, to allow students to connect structure / composition andreactivity / properties of compounds, and this for organic molecules,transition metal complexes or solid state compounds. > Special attention is paid to the introduction to the frontierorbital approximation and its function in addressing the problems ofabsolute and relative reactivity, regioselectivity andstereoselectivity in organic chemistry (Woodward-Hoffman rules,electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements,etc.);properties of transition metal complexes (Tanabe-Sugano diagrams,Marcus law, Curie law) and chemical bond in solids (ionic models,band theory (orbital description of the electronic structure ofsolids), etc.).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc. - Selection criteria: basic knowledge in chemistry and/or physicalchemistry. - Language prerequisites: English or French.
Grading Philosophy
> Assessment methods: - Written final exam: 3 hours = 100% of the overall mark. - The first session takes place in December.> In case of failure, a second session is organized, either as awritten final exam or an oral presentation depending on the number offailed students. This 2nd session takes place at the end of June.
Course schedule
_PART 1: FRONTIER ORBITALS AND ORGANIC CHEMICAL REACTIONS_ - Fundamental in quantum chemistry: molecular orbitals of conjugatedpolyene systems (Hücke l theory), frontier orbitals approximation - Cycloaddition reactions: Woodward-Hoffmann rules, activation modeand reactivity, interactions suprafacial and antarafacial interactions, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity (Alder endo rule) - Electrocyclic reactions: selection rules and activation mode,conrotatory and disrotator y ring closing/opening, stereoselectivity aspects - Sigmatropic rearrangements: selection rules (suprafacial andantarafacial), stereo selectivity aspects - Electrophilic, nucleophilic and radical reactions - Structural problems: stable conformation, hyperconjugation_PART 2: MOLECULAR INORGANIC CHEMISTRY_ - Electronic structure of complexes. General information ond-elements. d-orbitals. Crystal field theory. Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.Charge transfer transitions. Application: spin crossover phenomena. - Stability and reactivity of complexes. Stability of a complex:thermodynamic and kinetic aspects. - Modification of chemical properties of the metal and the ligand ina complex. Electron transfer. Marcus law. - From molecules to molecular materials. Synthesis of polynuclearcompounds. Molecular magnetism. Illustration with mono- and dinuclearcompounds._PART 3: CHEMICAL BOND IN SOLIDS_ - Introduction: classification for solids; electrons in solids. - Ionic model: crystal energy, Madelung potentials, energy levels(Koopmans theorem), structure of ionic solids (Pauling rules, Brownmethod) - Chemical bond and energy levels in simple metals and transitionmetals - Band theory: orbital description of the electronic structure insolids.> Electronic structure of 1D compounds, dimers and n-mers formation(Peirls distorsion), Electronic structure of 2D and 3D compounds.> Examples of transition metal oxides: electronic structure andelectric properties.
Course type
- Lectures (in French or English): 24 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Exercise sessions (in French or English): 14 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - All lectures and exercises sessions can be followed either in English or in French, depending on the choice of the student. - Teaching supports available on the Moodle platform.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Selection procedure: evaluation of the students CV.Duration: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: French and EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Cédric Desplanches Corinne