Chemical Equilibria 1 – Safety in the Laboratory (EQCH1) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> UPON COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: - Use the appropriate concepts to describe a chemical system(chemical change, reaction, the extent of reaction, stoichiometry,activity, reaction quotient) - Relate the spontaneous change and the Gibbs energy of a reaction - Determine and use equilibrium constants - Determine the heat released or absorbed in a chemical change - Work in the chemistry lab according to Good Laboratory Practice - Carry out a complexometric titration and express the concentrationwith its uncertainty) - Control if a pH-electrode is functional or not
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Basics of chemistry: molecular formula, amount of substance andmolar mass, symbolizing chemical reactions, balancing chemicalequations. - Basics of thermodynamics: temperature, energy of a system, energychange through work or heat, enthalpy, entropy. - Basics of metrology: mean value, standard experimental deviation,uncertainty, repeatability. - Basics of mechanics: kinetic energy.
Grading Philosophy
- 2 written exams with exercises (2 x 1 hour), - Lab reports, 1 practical exam about the labs (2 hours.
Course schedule
> KEYWORDS OF THE COURSE COVER: - Chemical change - Gibbs energy of a system - Activity - Spontaneous change - Reaction enthalpy - Heat in a chemical change - Chemical equilibrium. - Reaction quotient - Equilibrium constant - Complex - Formation constant of a complex - Competing reactions - Titrations - Monitoring methods - Equivalence point > LAB WORK: - Good Laboratory Practice: quality and safety - Measurement of a reaction enthalpy - Complexometric titrations. Uncertainty in a concentration - Calibration of a glass electrode
Course type
- Seminars: 16 hours - Labs: 12 hours - Estimated self-study time: 30 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 6 weeksLanguage of instruction: English (Equilibria in aqueous solutions. Good Laboratory Practice), French and English (Thermodynamics)Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: with exercises intertwined with lab sessions
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Fabrice Mauvy fabrice.mauvy@u-bordeaux.frJulie Géan