Chemical Equilibria 2. Redox Equilibria (EQCH2) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> UPON COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: - explain how an electrochemical cell works - determine the spontaneous reaction between two redox-pairs - explain how common electrodes work - calculate the solubility of an ionic compound in various solutions - determine whether a precipitation occurs or not - calculate the extent of reaction at equilibrium for various typesof reactions (acid-base, complexation, redox, precipitation) - carry out several types of titrations (acid-base, redox,precipitation), choose the monitoring method (e.g. the electrodes oran indicator) and express the concentration with its uncertainty - check if an electrode is functional or not - use an automatic titrator
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Chemical Equilibria 1 - Safety in the laboratory (EQCH1)
Grading Philosophy
- 2 written exams with exercises (2 x 1 hour) - Lab reports: 1 written exam about the labs (1 hour)
Course schedule
KEYWORDS OF THE COURSE COVER: - Redox reactions - Electrode potential - Nernst equation - Common reference and measuring electrodes - Precipitation/dissolution equilibria - Solubility - Acid-base equilibria - Strength of an acid (of a base) - Buffer solutions - Competing reactionsLAB WORK: - Potentiometric monitoring of a titration (redox reaction andprecipitation) - Titration of a mixture - Indirect titration of dissolved oxygen using Winkler’s method
Course type
- Seminars: 16 hours - Labs: 12 hours - Estimated self-study time: 30 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 2 monthsLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching with exercises intertwined with lab sessions
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Fabrice Mauvy fabrice.mauvy@u-bordeaux.frJulie Géan