Chemistry II University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Introduction to general chemistry for life and environmental sciences.
Learning Achievement
・Chemistry II provides students with an in-depth knowledge of the principles of chemistry. Topics in Chemistry II cover Stoichiometry, Chemical Formulas and Composition, Chemical Equations and Reaction, Balancing Chemical Equations, Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory, Liquids and Solids, Phase diagram, Solutions and Solubility, Chemical Thermodynamics. ・Course objective is to 1. understand an in-depth knowledge of principles of Chemistry. 2. acquire application ability with knowledge of principles. is to enable learners how to 1. Stoichiometry 2. Apply gas laws and kinetic molecular theory for gases. 3. Explain how phase of a substance changes using phase diagram. 4. Explain chemical reactions and perfume calculations in terms of energy changes via three laws of thermodynamics using thermodynamic functions, energy, enthalpy, entropy, and Free energy changes.
Generic Competences 2. Ability for critical and creative thinking Subject Specific Competences 2. Refinement representing Foundation Major
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
A. Final Exam (70%)...Understanding the topics, application ability, B. Final Report (20%)...Critical Thinking, Problem solving capacity C. Class Attitude (10%)...Critical Thinking, active involvement
Course schedule
【Notice】 (1) Lectures will be held face to face (2) The packet will be distributed through manaba (3) Homework will be uploaded on manaba every week and the deadline is 21st December. - Download PDF file, print out solve the problems by hand and upload to manaba (5) Attendance will be checked after class starts. (6) Grading: Final Exam (70%) + Final Report (4% each, total 20%) + Class Attitude (10%) -Please take a look at Grading Philosophy below 【November 10】 Course Orientation Composition Stoichiometry (Mole) 【November 14】 Chemical Formulas and Composition Stoichiometry. 【November 17】 Chemical Equations and Reaction Stoichiometry 【November 21】 Balancing Chemical Equations 【December 1】 Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory I 【December 5】 Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory II 【December 8】 Solutions and Solubility 【December 12】 Chemical Thermodynamics I 【December 15】 Chemical Thermodynamics II 【December 19】 Chemical Thermodynamics III 【December 22】 ・Final Exam
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kang Seung Won
Other information
Lecture Attendance will be recorded. As discussed at Week 1.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Kang Seung Won
Email address:
Link to the syllabus provided by the university