Classical Mechanics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Dedicated course on Mechanics, following on from the initial Mechanicscourse (4TP211U).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Mathematics: level as required for Physics and Physics (4TPM211U) - English: B2 level required
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
CHAPTERS :- Reminder of conservation laws - Systems of pointlike particles -Gravitation and central-force two-body problem - Non-galileanreference frames - Rigid bodies - Introduction to Lagrange andHamilton formalisms
Course type
Face-to-face teaching with lectures in French and discussions in English (17 x 1h20 = 23 h)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: One semester (23 hours)Language of instruction: English and FrenchMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Ludovic Bonneauludovic.bonneau@u-bordeaux.frJonathan