Clinical Epidemiology University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
The epidemiological methodology, along with its traditional use in the area of Collective Health, has been used as a privileged instrument in conducting clinical research. Epidemiology techniques have been useful in addressing the issues that characterize clinical work, both from the perspective of health services and from scientific research. The aim of this course is to systematize the existing knowledge about the application of this methodology in the development of technical-scientific production in Clinic, as well as in the implementation of its practice.
Learning Achievement
To understand the application of epidemiological methodology in clinical research; To know the basic technical elements for elaboration and conduction of research projects; Encourage the ability to critically evaluate scientific articles published in the medical literature; To provide instruments for the improvement of clinical practice, based on the critical evaluation of the literature.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
The evaluation will consist of attendance, participation and presentation of seminars and individual test.
Course schedule
The course will consist of theoretical classes, seminars and practical classes, covering the following topics: Definition of Epidemiology and its main concepts; Studies on diagnostic tests; Prognostic studies; Experimental Studies; Tracking; Systematic reviews; Critical reading of medical publications; Discussion of research projects in Clinical Epidemiology.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Moises Goldbaum, Moacyr Roberto Cuce Nobre, Paulo Rossi Menezes
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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