Clinical Translation and Industrialization of Biomaterials National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Many pieces of a puzzle have to be assembled to enable the successful translation of a novel idea into the clinic for the benefit of patients. First, the idea needs to be tested in a research environment before protecting and communicating the results, for example in a patent and/or journal publication. At this stage, the research can attract the interest of clinicians and/or manufacturers, who can help to progress the testing through clinical trials before a product can be launched. This course will give an overview over some of the main pieces of the puzzle that play a role on the path from the “bench to the bedside”, and will equip students with first-hand, up-to-date knowledge regarding aspects such as the management of intellectual property, regulatory requirements and standards, clinical trials and strategies for effective communication in an interdisciplinary environment. Furthermore, the students will be taken through several examples of successfully translated biomedical products to highlight key issues and pitfalls.
Learning Achievement
Students gain a much sought-after understanding of the issues that are important for the successful translation of biomaterials research into the industrial world.
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to graduate students.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Wei Bor Tsai
Other information
Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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