Communication Electronics Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course consists of introduction to manufacturing processes, common aspect in manufacturing, metal casting, bulk metal forming, sheet metal forming, forming of polymer, machining operations, joining processes, and the latest and competitive environments in manufacturing.
Learning Achievement
1. Describe the analogue and digital modulation with the aid of time and frequency domain analyses. 2. Explain the concept of analogue and digital Communication transmitter and receiver block diagram. 3. Design a communication system based on modulation and multiplexing technique. 4. Use software tools to demonstrate modulation and demodulation methods of analogue and digital systems. 5. Describe radio communication network
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Test, Assignment, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. Yoshihide Yamada
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Yoshihide Yamada
Dr. Azura Hamzah
Email address:,