Community Analysis University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Information and knowledge are produced, activated and communicated in interactions between/among different communities when they come together, part, clash or influence one another. In this course, students will learn the basic theories of community research and review existing literature based on qualitative research of community categories such as ethnicity, locality and language. Furthermore, students will learn how information and knowledge within communities are generated/received/modified based on specific member attributes when interactions occur in community centers, libraries, schools, clinics and local communities.
Learning Achievement
To understand the basic theories and issues regarding communities. To understand the theories and practices by which various groups interact in various fields and modify their information/knowledge and culture.
Knowledge application competence, Qualitative research competence, Media expertise
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Presentation and facilitation of class discussion will account for 40% of your grade, comments posted on manaba on the weekly reading assignments will account for 30%, and participation in discussion will account for 30%. If you get more than 60 points on a scale of up to 100, you will pass the course. As for your presentation, evaluation will be based on (1) the correct understanding of the argument presented in the text, (2) articulation and explanation of that argument such as by drawing appropriate examples, (3) level of critical reading including the ability to compare or generalize. As for the facilitation of discussion, evaluation will be based on (1) a deep understanding of the text, (2) appropriate reference to comments posted on manaba and (3) encouragement of everyone’s participation and facilitation of a lively discussion. Posted comments and discussion participation will be evaluated based on (1) frequency and (2) originality of contribution.
Course schedule
(1)Genealogy of community research theory 1(Teruyama) (2)Genealogy of community research theory 2(Teruyama) (3)Genealogy of knowledge inheritance and modification theory(Teruyama) (4)Categories of communities 1: ethnicity(Teruyama) (5)Categories of communities 2: locality, language, religion and class(Teruyama) (6)Categories of communities 3: disability, gender and sexuality(Teruyama) (7)Fields of interaction 1: local communities, community centers and libraries(Teruyama) (8)Fields of interaction 2: schools and clinics(Teruyama) (9)Fields of interaction 3: households(Teruyama) (10)Otherness in familiar settings (summary)(Goto/Teruyama)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Goto Yoshihiro,Teruyama Junko
Other information
Students are advised to periodically check the course news and other contents on Manaba, as the instructor may post announcements before the first day of class. Measures will be taken to ensure that there will be no disadvantage for those who cannot attend the offline class (such as by sharing the video-recording of the class afterwards). The course may be held online (synchronous) depending on the situation with COVID-19.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Goto Yoshihiro
Email address:
Link to the syllabus provided by the university