Complex Analysis University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This course introduces theories for functions of a complex variable. Students will acquire skill to use complex derivatives function, to have knowledge about integration in the complex plane, use of Cauchy integral theorem, power series, to evaluate complicated real integrals via residue calculus, etc.
Learning Achievement
This course introduces theories for functions of a complex variable. Students will acquire skill to use complex derivatives function, to have knowledge about integration in the complex plane, use of Cauchy integral theorem, power series, to evaluate complicated real integrals via residue calculus etc.
Related to 1. Mathematical logic and calculation skills.
Course prerequisites
Students should have completed at least Calculus I and Calculus II.
Grading Philosophy
Class Quiz+ Homework 60% Final Exam 40%
Course schedule
Complex Numbers and Complex PlanesFunctions of Complex Variables, DifferentiationElementary FunctionsIntegralsCauthy Integral FormulaSeriesCauthy's Residue Thorem and PolesMapping by Elementary FunctionsThe Schwarz-Christoffel TransformationMultivalued Function
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university