Comprehensive Japanese 3 A University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will develop their ability to communicate in everyday situations while deepening their understanding of the Japanese language and Japanese culture. In speaking and listening skills, students will develop the ability to understand complex sentences and simple paragraphs, and to produce complex sentence-level discourse. In reading and writing skills, students will become able to read and write longer, more complicated compositions while appropriately using hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
Learning Achievement
Students will develop the ability to communicate in everyday situations with the appropriate assistance, and will deepen their understanding of Japanese andJapanese culture. Regarding speaking and listening skills, students will be able to understand and produce compound sentences and simple paragraphs. Regarding reading and writing skills, students will be able to read and write more complex compositions about familiar themes in hiragana, katakana, and kanji studied in class.
Course prerequisites
This class is limited to short-term exchange students (undergrad). Students should have completed Comprehensive Japanese 2 prior to this class or be of equivalent level.
Grading Philosophy
Essays 10%, Skits 10%, Presentation 10%, Unit quizzes 15%, Midterm exam 15%, Final exam 40%
Course schedule
Week 1: Orientation, "Basic Japanese" Unit 17, Reading and WritingWeeks 2 to 7: ”Basic Japanese” Units 18-20, Reading and Writing, Midterm examWeeks 8 to 15: ”Basic Japanese” Units 21-24, Reading and Writing, Final exam, Presentation
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Abe Minako,Ji Yang,Yamamoto Chinami
Other information
Students are required to preview and review all materials, complete and turn in all homework assignments by the due date, participate actively in class activities, and help create a cooperative co-learning environment.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university