Comprehensive Japanese 7 Seminar B University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will develop the skills and Japanese proficiency necessary for attending college classes and strengthen their overall Japanese abilities.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to develop skills and Japanese proficiency necessary for attending college classes and strengthen their Japanese oral abilities.
1.Communication ability,4. Broad perspective and international character ,and 6.Cooperative,independent,and autonomous attitudes
Course prerequisites
Students must be in Level Comprehensive Japanese 7.
Grading Philosophy
Oral presentation 50% Assignment and works 20% Class participation 30%
Course schedule
Students will complete projects which propose plans of use to Japanese society. They will also make effective presentations outlining their plans.Orientation, Oral level check test,Ice breakingReading materials, exchange of opinionsReading materials, exchange of opinionsPreparation for presentation, pronunciation practicePresentation,Q&A,FeedbackPresentation,Q&A,FeedbackIntroduction of traditional culturePreparation for performancePreparation for performancePerformance,feedbackPerformance,feedbackGroup work (Preparation for presentation)Group work (Preparation for presentation)Group work (Presentation ,Q&A)Group work (Prepsentation ,Q&A,feedback),Review of the course
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Nakano Jiro
Other information
1)Since the assignments will generally be done in groups, students are expected to participate fully and maintain cooperative attitude. 2) Use Japanese inside and outside of the classroom as much as you can. 3) To prepare presentation, oral practice must be done well.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university