Computation in Macroeconomics National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This is a research oriented course. This course focuses on computation techniques in heterogeneous agents models (HA) in incomplete markets. HA modeling is now widely used in macroeconomics, labor economics, and industrial organization. This type of models can generate endogenous distributions of income, wealth, or firm-size, and hence offers a framework to study inequality, intergeneration mobility, macro-prudential policy, firm size distributions, and policy issues in industry organization. However, this type of models are notoriously hard to solve and must rely on numerical methods. This course will teach relevant numerical methods in this field.
Learning Achievement
This course aims to teach computation techniques in solving heterogeneous agents models. Students will learn relevant techniques to conduct research in this field. Students need to write programming codes every week.
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to graduate students.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hsuan-Li Su
Other information
Graduate Institute of Economics
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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