Computational Physics University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Learn basics of computational particle physics, astrophysics, and biophysics. In computational particle physics, we will start with the basics of Monte Carlo simulations and give an overview of the calculation of hadron mass spectrum by QCD simulation. In computational astrophysics, we will explain the numerical simulation of fluid dynamics, which is important for celestial body formation, from the basics. In computational biophysics, we give an overview of electronic state calculations based on molecular dynamics and density functional theory.
Learning Achievement
Learning basics of computational particle physics, astrophysics, and biophysics.
Related to a generic competence "1. knowledge utilization ability" as well as specific competences "1. specialized utilization ability", "2. physical ability" and "4. logical ability".
Course prerequisites
Quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics at the undergraduate level are required.
Grading Philosophy
The final evaluation is given based on the average scores of three reports for computational particle physics, astrophysics, and biophysics.
Course schedule
In computational particle physics, we will start with the basics of Monte Carlo simulations and give an overview of the calculation of hadron mass spectrum by QCD simulation. In computational astrophysics, we will explain the numerical simulation of fluid dynamics, which is important for celestial body formation, from the basics. In computational biophysics, we give an overview of electronic state calculations based on molecular dynamics and density functional theory.Computational particle physics: quantum field theory and statistical mechanicsComputational particle physics: basics of Markov chain Monte Carlo methodsComputational particle physics: applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo methodsComputational particle physics: quantum field theory on the latticeComputational particle physics: formulation of lattice QCDComputational particle physics: lattice QCD calculations (Physical observables and continuum limit)Computational astrophysics: basics of fluid dynamicsComputational astrophysics: numerical solutions of linear advection equations (basics)Computational astrophysics: numerical solutions of linear advection equations (applications)Computational astrophysics: numerical solutions of fluid equations (basics)Computational astrophysics: numerical solutions of fluid equations (applications)Computational astrophysics: numerical simulations of gravitational systems and cosmic plasma with Vlasov equationComputational biophysics: molecular dynamicsComputational biophysics: an overview of electronic state calculations in many-body systemsComputational biophysics: density functional theoryComputational biophysics: Kohn-Sham equationComputational biophysics: exchange-correlation functionalsComputational biophysics: electronic state simulations for atomsExerciseExercise
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Ohno Hiroshi,Shoji Mitsuo,Yajima Hidenobu
Other information
English lectures on request.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Ohno Hiroshi
Email address:
Link to the syllabus provided by the university