Computer Aided Analysis & Optimization of Integrated Circuit National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Introduction 1. Introduction to SOC VLSI interconnect design and analysis 2. SOC design challenges and potential solutions 3. Power and signal integrity analysis and optimization Interconnect modeling and simulation 4. Formulation of circuit equation 5. Solution of linear equations 6. Interconnect delay models 7. Laplace transformation and analysis 8. Transient simulation 9. Model order reduction 10. Interconnect modeling I: capacitance extraction 11. Interconnect modeling II: inductance extraction 12. Iterative solution of linear equations & application Nonlinear circuit simulation 13. Solution of non-linear equations 14. Transient analysis of nonlinear dynamic circuits 15. Consistency, stability, convergence, local truncation error Circuit optimization 16. Mathematical programming I: linear programming 17. Mathematical programming II: nonlinear programming 18. Mathematical programming III: geometric programming 19. Combinatorial optimization I: greedy algorithm 20. Combinatorial optimization II: dynamic programming
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chung-Ping Chen
Other information
Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinfornatics
Site for Inquiry
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